Thursday, January 13, 2011

A few thoughts on Ted Williams

People seem to be taking a very "I told you so" attitude toward Ted William's entry into rehab, and at first glance they do seem to have a point. The guy does drink, snort, lie and brawl, after all....

I won't uphold his behavior of course, but I will point to the futility of belittling someone who is at least trying to change himself from a drain on society and an asset to crime into at least something of a productive citizen. Such behavior, whether from oneself or Williams' mother, just drives more of the very few people able and willing to bring themselves up from the dregs back down. It also proves that people will accept the most disturbing behavior from established celebrities such as Michael Jackson, Lindsy Lohan, Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Tom Cruise, Sean Penn, Whitney Houston and Paula Abdul, but that the Susan Boyles and Ted Williams' of the world had better expect the most severe scrutiny possible.