Sunday, January 23, 2011

A few thoughts on Iraq


1) They wanted to be together--Iraq even invaded once! Beyond that, hey, they and Iran used to be the same country (Persia), and they seem to see their disunion as the result of decisions by the hated colonial powers. Hell, they even refer to one feature in Iraq's borders as "Winston's Hiccup" and believe it to have been the result a a small bit of indigestion on the part of Churchill while he was drawing the map. The Iraqi's just might welcome such a merger.

2) Pursuant to #1, we could probably spin this to make ourselves seem like the benefactor or the power-broker of the Arab world and that might diffuse a suicide bomber or two.

3) Being an army of occupation is like being a policeman on the west side of Chicago and just ask a cop or a Crip about the futility of that.

4) Any post invasion government in Iraq will at least seem like an American puppet, but the established and respected regime in Kuwait may have no such problems.

5) Placing the progressive government of Kuwait over Iraq would be the de facto removal of tyranny which we might not be able to count on otherwise.

6) The Kuwaitis actually know how to govern a nation in the Middle East and to judge by the army attacks on police stations, we might not.

7) The Kuwaitis are rich enough to finance Iraq's war against Iran, so they probably have the money to arm and organize Iraq, even if they're small.

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